Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A Country You Would Like To Visit

Since I were a little girl I dreamed of travelling to a lot of places, mainly because all the movies I used to watch. Usually, the movies were from beautiful places that I can't see (I thought) here in Chile. Now, at 19 one of my goals is travel the world (or at least, my favorites places on the world)

All green and pretty
One of the places I would like to visit is Bali, which is an island and a province of Indonesia. What attracts me the most is the "color" it has; is so green, yellow, blue, etc. it has a rich nature. Bali has a lot of temples, that is the reason why people call it "the island of the gods"

This is Banff

But mainly I would love to visit is Canada. I love the culture they had, their landscapes, their love of maple syrup, their education and I could go on.
Also I would live there because I think, it's a country it has a lot of offer; health, good enviroment, education and more. Like you can't find a flaw in "them" (okay maybe you can find)

Also I really like doing trekking and sightseeing and Canada has a lot of national park to look and enjoy,
One of my friend, this year went to Canada because her sister lives in Banff, Canada. She told me about the deers she saw in places that you think they can't be or even bears.  She told me that is pretty cold in there (por example one night it were -15°c) and I love cold weather.
Probably, in the future I'm going to travel to another places but at this moment they are my favorite places that I would like to visit.


  1. I did not know, the amazing places you could find at Indonesia, very interesting.

  2. Wow, I didn't know that Bali was so beautiful ♡
