Friday, September 1, 2017

The best concert ever

I’m going to about the most magical and fun concert I have been.

I went to a Coldplay (a british "rock" band very old and famous for their lyrics and style ) concert on 4 of April, 2016 in the "Estadio nacional", I went with a friend of mine and we got there pretty early considering that the concert started at 8:00pm. On the line we made –kinda – friends of a couple who has a seat in the same spot as us (Andes if I’m not wrong). I was pretty excited because they are one of my favorite bands (for the record I like their old albums).

When you got inside of the stadium they gives you a wristband called xyloband they light up with the rythm of the music. I have always watched concert of them and they looked pretty cool on video but in person they like 1000 time better! it gives a atmosphere that I can't explain. I just can say it is magical and aesthetic, check this video if you want to see how it looks in action. At some point, in some songs i thought i were going to cry because i got overwhelm with feelings.
The lights looks amazing
What I really like of the event, apart of seeing the band and stuff, is that the demographic of the concert it were so diverse; you could see little children to old people but we all enjoyed the same. In that moment, I realized that Coldplay "can touch everyone hearts" with their music

I could not find good pictures of the concert:( 


  1. The old albums of Coldplay are the best, it must be really amazing seeing them live.

  2. Coldplay have a good music, the concert looks so great!

  3. They are my favorite band too!!! I would love to go to one of their concerts
