Friday, November 3, 2017

Changes To My Study Programme

To be honest I can’t think about something I want to change of my study programme, maybe because I’m first year of university. But I have ideas of stuff that have to change or incorporate to the study programme, thanks to older classmates of my same career (even some graduates); more courses to learn how to manipulate some technical machines because when you graduate and start working in the industry or even a company you have to use this type of machines and sometimes you don’t know because in university never teach you. Also, they say some courses are completely unnecessary for the career or not that important that could be modified with others with more relevance or importance when you graduate.
In my personal opinion I think sometimes the workload is insane (and this gets worse in older years) and you can get stressed. And if you want to study and do well, you can’t be stressed because makes thing a lot harder.  The average of years that you finish the career is between 6-7 years (I study chemistry) can you imagine being stressed 6 years?

One thing I would change of the faculty is the library; is too small for the amount of students and is absolute no place to study because is always crowded and noisy. Also, we don’t have a place to eat formally, in rainy days is horrible because you can’t eat anywhere outside. Other than that, the faculty facilities are good; we have good laboratories, computers room, bathrooms, green areas (we could have more tho), etc. About the teaching methods is good but sometimes I think the teachers are kinda cold towards the students in a sense that you feel like the teachers are looking at us like if we are nothing and this obviously makes the learning difficult because you don’t want to ask questions in fear the teacher is going to be “mean” to you.

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