Friday, September 8, 2017

The immune system amazes me

I have always find interesting the immune system because of it we are healthy and thanks to my biology teacher who loves this system (and the brain). In my school time (and PSU time) I memorized almost all the functions and stuff, sadly now I don't remember that much because I don't have biology ( which is kind of sad) and my memory kind of sucks.
The immune system is our personal "army", technically, it's our body's defense against illness and diseases. Even when you cut your finger the immune system is already working for any bacteria or antigen (stuff that are not from our body, in a way to say) get into our bloodstream and cause damage or sickness, cool right? The immune system consist of cells who are pretty specialized; the "white cells" or leukocytes. They are located and stored in different part of the body; the thymus gland, bone marrow  and the spleen. They circulate between the lymph nodes and various organs through the blood and lymphatic vessels. Considering all the locations we can say is pretty large because it is literally in all of our body. This video shows how white cells works: they locate the antigen, find it and eliminate, in this way we don't get any sickness that may contain or provoke.
Info of immune system
But it is not perfect, like anything in this world, the immune system can get "sick" and is kind of awful if this happen. AIDS  is one the most important for me, because we can prevent of getting this disease (is not like cancer you technically can't prevent having it) and destroys important white cells and o in result weakens the system, can you imagine living with no immune system? Another illness that have are lupus, leukemia, Rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and so much more!
Having a good hygiene, get vaccinated, having a good diet,drinking clean water,having safe sex, a good sleeping schedule are some ways to keep your immune system healthy.


  1. antibodies make a great job keeping us protected.

  2. We are very lucky of having our own system to protect us from evil illnesses!

  3. Nice post ! very interesting. The immune system is very important for our organism

  4. I loved your post without the immune system we are nothing! ): we would be very sick.
