Friday, October 6, 2017

My future job

To be honest I haven’t think about my future job buy I’m pretty sure that I want to work in a laboratory; is my favorite thing about the career that  I’m studying, chemistry. I imagine myself locked in a lab “creating” compounds, materials and a lot of more! But at the same time I would like to travel to other parts; to give advices to others, learn from others. And I know for that probably I have to work for a company. I don’t worry about the money that much, if I’m working in something that I like, I will be happy. Nowadays, many people study things that they don’t like, just for the money and that is a big problem because they not happy with their lives/routines.

Like I said, I’m studying chemistry but also I want to study to be a chemistry teacher because of the bachelor’s degree that chemistry is going to give me, I have to study like two more years or so. Not a problem because (I have to admit) I enjoy studying and learning. And the reason that I want to study pedagogy is that I want to motivate the students to go near of science, unlike my teacher in school. I know that probably I won’t work in two jobs at the same time but maybe in my free time I could teach! If you ask me about a major in chemistry, I have no idea in which I would take; I think is too early considering that I’m in the first year of university. 


  1. I agree, money is important, but it´s not everything!

  2. is nice study something you enjoy c:

  3. It's good that you have that teaching spirit. It is that true feeling that drives us forward.

  4. studying something that you like is the most important thing

  5. By how you expressed yourself I think you're going to be a good teacher
