Friday, November 10, 2017

English Language Challenges

My experience about learning English at university is not that much, I think because I’m English IV but in overall it was nice, I thought it would be more “difficult”. Also, I learn some specific terms that are used in American and British English, but it should be more “fun “because at some point it gets repetitive and not interesting at all. I liked the use of the blogs because is a different way to communicate with others, besides talking. Also we could write about our opinion or what we like, so it helps with our vocabulary. However, I still need to improve my English because I tend to forget how to write or talk with proper grammar; I speak like “internet” so it is not perfect at all. I suppose I have to learn and memorize the proper grammar and practice it.

Outside English class I heard and read English every day; I like reading in English because in my opinion books change a lot when they are translated (this happen too with movies). A big percent of my music is in English so I got used to heard English and understand it quickly. Also, I really like watching YouTube; I only watch English speakers “youtubers” and sometimes they speak pretty quick and it’s kind of difficult understand (also some have accents) but after a while you get used to it. I think all of it makes easier leaning English because you are doing something you like and enjoy, is not like at school were sometimes English can be pretty boring.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Changes To My Study Programme

To be honest I can’t think about something I want to change of my study programme, maybe because I’m first year of university. But I have ideas of stuff that have to change or incorporate to the study programme, thanks to older classmates of my same career (even some graduates); more courses to learn how to manipulate some technical machines because when you graduate and start working in the industry or even a company you have to use this type of machines and sometimes you don’t know because in university never teach you. Also, they say some courses are completely unnecessary for the career or not that important that could be modified with others with more relevance or importance when you graduate.
In my personal opinion I think sometimes the workload is insane (and this gets worse in older years) and you can get stressed. And if you want to study and do well, you can’t be stressed because makes thing a lot harder.  The average of years that you finish the career is between 6-7 years (I study chemistry) can you imagine being stressed 6 years?

One thing I would change of the faculty is the library; is too small for the amount of students and is absolute no place to study because is always crowded and noisy. Also, we don’t have a place to eat formally, in rainy days is horrible because you can’t eat anywhere outside. Other than that, the faculty facilities are good; we have good laboratories, computers room, bathrooms, green areas (we could have more tho), etc. About the teaching methods is good but sometimes I think the teachers are kinda cold towards the students in a sense that you feel like the teachers are looking at us like if we are nothing and this obviously makes the learning difficult because you don’t want to ask questions in fear the teacher is going to be “mean” to you.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

This summer

Torres del paine
In summer holidays I go to the same places, I like them but it can get a bit boring after a while. Actually I don’t know where I’m going this summer, probably to the beach or to Coquimbo with my friends. But I know for sure that I want to go to the south of Chile, I visited a few cities (mostly when I was pretty young). In my senior year I went to “Puerto varas” for my school trip but I don’t think that count because we stayed there for 3 days, this trip is the last time I went to the south. I like spending time with my family, so probably I’m going with them but also I would go with friends, since I don’t see them often. I would absolute love going to “Torres del Paine” I find this place so beautiful through pictures, in person it has to be so much beautiful!

In this summer I want to be more “active” because I usually I stay at home doing nothing. By active I don’t mean just sports but also cultural activities like going to “Santiago a mil” they usually do like theater plays, dancing plays and more. Also I would like to be part of some bike events (some are for families) I like riding a bike but I don’t do it that often nor because I like to spend that time in other thing more important.

Friday, October 13, 2017


I don’t know if I’m familiar with drugs apart of medicinal types. In this season I consume a lot of antihistamines because I have allergies like to flowers, dust and other, I know which one to consume because some of them makes me sleepy so I can't take one of them at the morning, so I take that kind in the afternoon or night. Other drug that I'm familiar in is cocaine because at school you have to learn in biology what this drug does to your brain: briefly explained is this drugs blocks the capacity of neurons to absorbs the dopamine, so this neurotransmitter stays in the "space" making us feel in some ways, the result is the brain gets addicted to those feelings.
 Drugs are not always bad; an example is medicine they are drugs but legal, so people tend not to consider them drugs they have the concept of drugs to something harmful. Like I say, medicinal drug are good because they help us to get better, not to feel pain, to prevent some illness. Obviously, some people take medicinal drugs in excess and they get high up; cough syrup is an example because some of them has codeine (opiate) in small portions. Even I did this, maybe not similar but my sister is diagnosed with ADD, she says she is not but it is another story, so she have to take some pills to control that (if I'm not wrong it has some portions of amphetamine very tiny), after a while she refused to them because she felt drugged all the time. She has some spills left so I remember I took one because I had an exam at school, and yes I felt drug but not in a bad way? I just were more focused in just one thing.
Drugs has different effects on the user because they are all different; some makes you energized, sleepy, other even makes you feel depressed. All of this depends on what type of drug are you taking because they are plenty of them. And because all of this you can get addiction to drugs; your body (brain) gets addicted to those feelings and thinks that you can't live without them. So you do stupid thing to have those feelings: some people sells all of their stuff to get the drug, other are capable of killing people for drugs or even they kill themselves because they feel so bad without them. Even when you realize that drugs are bad, you can't left them so easily. All thank to the withdrawal symptoms, the common one is the pain that you feel in all of your body that you can't even bare, also the vomits and stuff because your body is detoxifying itself. 
Personally, I don't know no one addicted to drugs so I can't say a personal experience.
In chemistry (like the other careers) you can learn how to do them, so you cant be addicted to them because you can do "bad" things with your knowledge. Also, people thinks you are doing bad to the community with the medicine you can do, even if you are doing the opposite, all because the disinformation that people have.

Friday, October 6, 2017

post graduate studies

This kind of blog really brings questions to my mind, mainly because I haven’t think about this topics before, and I should have questioned before.

“Study after studying” I think is kind of necessary nowadays; the “world” needs people specialized is some areas, experts I would say. Also it gives you more to put in your curriculum. If I have the chance of study one, it would be a master or a diploma; I don’t know if I’m capable of going after a PhD degree because they are too long and with a lot of requirements. A master that I’m interested is chemistry of materials or chemistry in medicinal topics. Both of those masters are about topics that I really enjoy and I want to learn more. I would love study in another country! It has to be a good experience studying in university’s that have a lot of prestige and obviously, it has to be a good experience live and study in another country, even better is one of the countries that you. I would like to study part time because I’m probably working too; also I think I would like have a blended learning in that way I can study at home on the computer.  

My future job

To be honest I haven’t think about my future job buy I’m pretty sure that I want to work in a laboratory; is my favorite thing about the career that  I’m studying, chemistry. I imagine myself locked in a lab “creating” compounds, materials and a lot of more! But at the same time I would like to travel to other parts; to give advices to others, learn from others. And I know for that probably I have to work for a company. I don’t worry about the money that much, if I’m working in something that I like, I will be happy. Nowadays, many people study things that they don’t like, just for the money and that is a big problem because they not happy with their lives/routines.

Like I said, I’m studying chemistry but also I want to study to be a chemistry teacher because of the bachelor’s degree that chemistry is going to give me, I have to study like two more years or so. Not a problem because (I have to admit) I enjoy studying and learning. And the reason that I want to study pedagogy is that I want to motivate the students to go near of science, unlike my teacher in school. I know that probably I won’t work in two jobs at the same time but maybe in my free time I could teach! If you ask me about a major in chemistry, I have no idea in which I would take; I think is too early considering that I’m in the first year of university. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


To be honest, picking a hobby is hard for me because I don't do things “consistently” in time. And I don't think that the things I consider a hobby are one but anyway...
I really like go to the cinema, per month I go at least 3 times. I like to see trailers and then wait for the movie come out, gladly one of my friends goes with my almost every time I go. I think I have this hobby for almost one and a half year, since I go out of high school. I don’t think is that important to me, however I get sad when I can’t see a movie that I was expecting to see because of the little free time that I have thanks to university.
My favorite game as a child
As a kid I really liked to paint, I can’t say I were good on that (even as I got older) but I enjoyed the feeling of giving something life. Also I remember playing quite a lot with my siblings a game called Snow bros, this games is one of my favorite nowadays. Hobbies are a way to express yourself and relieves stress because you are doing something that you enjoy; is a freedom of normal routine. Personally, a hobby that I would never have is probably something that relates with technology because you can get addictive to it and addiction are any good.
A hobby that I would like to have in the future is going frequently to cultural “shows” like ballet, concert, theater, etc. Obviously, now I can do it but is kind of hard for different reasons. Another one that I would really like is doing trekking as a sport and hobby, It has to be refreshing going to the nature.

Friday, September 8, 2017

The immune system amazes me

I have always find interesting the immune system because of it we are healthy and thanks to my biology teacher who loves this system (and the brain). In my school time (and PSU time) I memorized almost all the functions and stuff, sadly now I don't remember that much because I don't have biology ( which is kind of sad) and my memory kind of sucks.
The immune system is our personal "army", technically, it's our body's defense against illness and diseases. Even when you cut your finger the immune system is already working for any bacteria or antigen (stuff that are not from our body, in a way to say) get into our bloodstream and cause damage or sickness, cool right? The immune system consist of cells who are pretty specialized; the "white cells" or leukocytes. They are located and stored in different part of the body; the thymus gland, bone marrow  and the spleen. They circulate between the lymph nodes and various organs through the blood and lymphatic vessels. Considering all the locations we can say is pretty large because it is literally in all of our body. This video shows how white cells works: they locate the antigen, find it and eliminate, in this way we don't get any sickness that may contain or provoke.
Info of immune system
But it is not perfect, like anything in this world, the immune system can get "sick" and is kind of awful if this happen. AIDS  is one the most important for me, because we can prevent of getting this disease (is not like cancer you technically can't prevent having it) and destroys important white cells and o in result weakens the system, can you imagine living with no immune system? Another illness that have are lupus, leukemia, Rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and so much more!
Having a good hygiene, get vaccinated, having a good diet,drinking clean water,having safe sex, a good sleeping schedule are some ways to keep your immune system healthy.

Friday, September 1, 2017

The best concert ever

I’m going to about the most magical and fun concert I have been.

I went to a Coldplay (a british "rock" band very old and famous for their lyrics and style ) concert on 4 of April, 2016 in the "Estadio nacional", I went with a friend of mine and we got there pretty early considering that the concert started at 8:00pm. On the line we made –kinda – friends of a couple who has a seat in the same spot as us (Andes if I’m not wrong). I was pretty excited because they are one of my favorite bands (for the record I like their old albums).

When you got inside of the stadium they gives you a wristband called xyloband they light up with the rythm of the music. I have always watched concert of them and they looked pretty cool on video but in person they like 1000 time better! it gives a atmosphere that I can't explain. I just can say it is magical and aesthetic, check this video if you want to see how it looks in action. At some point, in some songs i thought i were going to cry because i got overwhelm with feelings.
The lights looks amazing
What I really like of the event, apart of seeing the band and stuff, is that the demographic of the concert it were so diverse; you could see little children to old people but we all enjoyed the same. In that moment, I realized that Coldplay "can touch everyone hearts" with their music

I could not find good pictures of the concert:( 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A Country You Would Like To Visit

Since I were a little girl I dreamed of travelling to a lot of places, mainly because all the movies I used to watch. Usually, the movies were from beautiful places that I can't see (I thought) here in Chile. Now, at 19 one of my goals is travel the world (or at least, my favorites places on the world)

All green and pretty
One of the places I would like to visit is Bali, which is an island and a province of Indonesia. What attracts me the most is the "color" it has; is so green, yellow, blue, etc. it has a rich nature. Bali has a lot of temples, that is the reason why people call it "the island of the gods"

This is Banff

But mainly I would love to visit is Canada. I love the culture they had, their landscapes, their love of maple syrup, their education and I could go on.
Also I would live there because I think, it's a country it has a lot of offer; health, good enviroment, education and more. Like you can't find a flaw in "them" (okay maybe you can find)

Also I really like doing trekking and sightseeing and Canada has a lot of national park to look and enjoy,
One of my friend, this year went to Canada because her sister lives in Banff, Canada. She told me about the deers she saw in places that you think they can't be or even bears.  She told me that is pretty cold in there (por example one night it were -15°c) and I love cold weather.
Probably, in the future I'm going to travel to another places but at this moment they are my favorite places that I would like to visit.